Mindful Parenting: Calming Techniques for Kids


Calming techniques for kids are one of the most effective tools for parents to strengthen children’s emotional regulation.

In your parenting journey, have you experienced your children showing anger, frustration and other extreme behaviors? Are you insecure of your children’s social and emotional health due to these behaviors? Don’t worry, these are all but normal behavioral patterns for kids as they are still going through the process of emotional development https://mindfulparents.net/what-is-mindful-parenting/.

Kids tantrums and Calming techniques for kids

Some Calming techniques for Kids

  1. Being a Role Model: It is a common understanding that children are keen observers of their parents’ behaviors and activities. Parents can plan and act a situation where they manage anger in front of their kids through various actions. These actions include but are not limited to sitting down, taking a deep breath, softening their tone and lowering their voice. Moreover, these actions or calming techniques for kids will also help children understand that negative emotions can be controlled.
  2. Casual Approach: Taking things casually is also one of the effective calming techniques for kids. In a situation where kids throw tantrums, parents need to stay casual. This means that parents should stay calm and composed. They should laugh it off and interact playfully with the children. Playing music can also help in softening the situation and decreasing the intensity.
  3. Deep Breath: Take a deep breath when faced by challenging situations such as kids’ tantrums, anger and frustration. This will strongly help in refreshing your mind and assessing the situation more effectively. Through mindful breathing, a fresh and relaxed mind can help parents in an effective management of children’s emotions https://www.mindfullittleminds.com/20-simple-calm-down-strategies-for-kids/.
  4. Giving Love: Give love to your children and ask for a hug when they feel emotionally vulnerable is also one of the valuable calming techniques for kids. This will create a sense of security among the children and strengthen the parent-child-relationship. This will calm children down as they feel connected to their parents.

More Calming techniques for Kids

5. Activities: Indulge children in various activities that can distract their mind. These calming techniques for kids might include observing their surroundings and naming all the things around the. This will provide both children and parents with a much-needed break and refreshing activity. These activities serve as one of the most effective calming techniques for kids as they create a healthy diversion.

6. Spending Time: Spending time with children is also one of the useful calming techniques for kids as it informs parents regarding their children’s needs and behaviors. When parents know their children’s needs, kids will be more satisfied with less episodes of tantrums and anger. Mindful Parenting also gives importance to spending time with children as it strengthens the parent-child relationship.

7. Outdoor Activities: Spending time close to nature can also phase out negative emotions and calm children down. Parents can also benefit from outdoor activities as it gives them a break from tough parenting challenges and enjoy themselves.

Benefits of Calming techniques for Kids

Mindful Parenting has many benefits for children where emotional health is one of the most significant components. Mindful parents know the importance of calming techniques for kids. Additionally, calming techniques for kids are a valuable tool to help children with processing negative emotions. The processing of negative emotions also cultivates self-awareness, emotional resilience and emotional intelligence in children. These attributes collectively contribute to children’s strong mental and emotional health.


Calming techniques for kids are the mindful parents’ tools to help their kids with emotional regulation. Besides these calming strategies for kids, parents need to spend time with their children. This will give confidence to children and strengthen the parent-child relationship.

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